Referitor la relevanta acestora… acesta este aeroportul din Pittsburg si aici am aplicat continuu 86000 mp in timp de 72 de ore sub lumina reflectoarelor pentru a putea redeschide pista cat mai curand ceea ce era critic si ceea ce aratam acum aici este ca am folosit pulverizatoare late si camioane de udare pentru a putea trata cei 86000 mp in timp de 72 de ore si daca inmultim acestea cu numarul de pulverizatoare vedem ca viteza de aplicare a fost foarte mare. Pentru dumneavoastra o problema interesanta a fost problema degradarii pistei datorita fenomenului de inghet/dezghet ceea ce facea ca nisipul sa patrunda in motoarele cu reactie. Aici am realizat tratamentul atat in scopul prevenirii efectelor generate de fenomenul de inghet/dezghet cat si pentru a consolida betonul.

Va prezint aici o alta lucrare: o sosea suspendata din Taipei. Aceasta este de fapt un segment dintr-un contract avand 64000 mp. Relevanta acestui proiect o reprezinta faptul ca Radcon nu manifesta efecte negative atunci cand se aplica asfalt peste el, nici nu se pierde aderenta si nu se obtine nici o micsorare a performantei, ceea ce este in mod evident foarte important in domeniul constructiilor si al repararilor de sosele.

Acum dearece am intrat in domeniul repararilor, ceea ce privim acum este o lucrare efectuata in 1999 folosind Radcon #7. Avem aici o pasarela care, dupa aproape 50 de ani de folosire, prezinta urme de rugina de dedesubt iar situatia aceasta arata ca ca ceva trebuia facut iar Radcon a fost solutia aleasa.

Ceea ce vedem aici este produsul aplicat iar aplicatorii au udat produsul si apoi curata suprafata pentr a se asigura ca nu mai sunt resturi pe suprafata ceea ce ar putea sa cauzeze slippage au ramas pe suprafata. Ceea ce se va intampla dupa ce acestia au plecat este faptul ca, chiar inainte de a doua si a treia udare traficul poate fi reluat pe autostrada iar camionul de apa va putea circula prin trafic iar timpul economisit in acest tip de sistem este absolut fenomenal acolo unde exista suprafete cu trafic foarte mare.

Si, bineinteles, continuam sa efectuam lucrari pentru zonele de autostrazi din Hong Kong. Acesta este segmentul KL11A despre care cred ca a fost terminat prin 1997.

Acum, ceea ce va arat aici sunt doar cateva poduri mai semnificative. In Norvegia am tratat de fapt aproape toate podurile rutiere si noi nu doar micsoram costurile de impermeabilizare dar mai economisim si costurile tehnologice si livram si mai repede constructia. Ceea ce vreau sa spun este ca sistemul obisnuit trebuie sa inlocuiasca membrana, apoi sa construiasca placa corespunzatoare de protectie ranforsata, apoi se pune lestul si abia apoi rouse.

Deoarece Radcon intareste betonul pana la echivalentul granitului si nu poate fi deteriorat la suprafata, nevoia unui strat de protectie este complet eliminata. Deci ajuta in ceea ce priveste costul de constructie, face ca proiectul de constructie sa avanseze mult mai rapid si permite ca o suprastructura mai mare sa poata fi construita pe o structura mai mare peste placa actuala.

Si bineinteles, in cadrul suprafetelor traficabile, sunt prezente docurile si cheiurile. Evident traficul intens si situatia ideala pentru noi cu mari costuri pentri beton si cel mai adesea mediu cu apa sarata.

Si, bineinteles, in Australia mai ales am facut majoritatea cheiurilor portuare si care este de fapt un chei portuar avand o placa dintr-un amestec de beton ce se preteaza a se folosi cu usurinta cu tehnologia Radcon Formula #7.

Stim ca zaharul ataca puternic betonul. Aici vedeti cheiul pentru zahar Gladstone care a ajuns in situatia in care repararea cu Radcon a fost materialul recomandat a fi folosit.

Iata aici o lucrare interesanta. Este o suprafata circulabila. Are marimea a doua terenuri de fotbal. Avem 50000 mp de acoperis unde Radcon a tratat si dpdv ingineresc vedeti ca am obtinut o singura imbinare de control si asta este.

Acum va arat, din nefericire, o parcare auto care nu va fi niciodata utilizata. Acea cladire avea atat de mari probleme de integritate structurala ca tot traficul de pe acoperis a fost inchis. Ceea ce va arat de fapt aici sunt cateva monede mari care pot intra in crapaturi pentru a va arata tipul de crapaturi pentru care Radcon se potriveste si pe care le poate etansa pe toata durata de viata a cladirii.

Ceea ce s-a facut de fapt aici a fost o confirmare ca Radcon este nu doar un etansant ci ca, de fapt, indeplineste toate specificatiile pentru membrane. Ceea ce vedem aici este o locatie ce a fost tratata pe litoralul din partea de nord a orasului Sydney. avea aproximativ o mie de crapaturi de aprox 1-1.2 mm si vedeti aici cum specialistii de la Universitate au venit la opt ani dupa tratament, au facut o inundare a suprafetei si au dovedit astfel doua lucruri: primul, ca nu patrunde apa deloc apoi, cel mai important, ca Radcon chiar pe suprafata, pe fisuri si de fapt nu mai intra apa prin fisuri.

Fara indoiala stiti de problemele inerente ale membranelor aplicate pe suprafetele circulabile. Hong Kong are un climat foarte umed si ritmul de aparitie a constructiilor noi este foarte mare. Au fost frecvent situatii in care s-a construit o parcare auto, s-au aplicat membrane, umezeala s-a mentinut dearece n-a avut timp suficient sa se usuce si rezultatul previzibil a fost deteriorarea sa in foarte scurt timp.

Ce vedeti aici este un alt proiect unde s-a aplicat Radcon. Este Kapala Mall din Jakarta. Acesta a fost un centru de shopping cu o parcare auto de 20000 mp. Acolo se utiliza un sistem traditional cu o membrana cu o sapa circulabila si aici vedeti unul din reprezentantii nostri recurgand la daltuirea a 20000 mp de placa ranforsata de 75 pentru a curata suprafata pentru a aplica Radcon. Din nefericire doar Radcon singur ar fi salvat placa si ar fi reprezentat o abordare foarte eficienta dpdv al costurilor. Dar spun din nou, din nefericire, doar activitatile de daltuire si de indepartare a molozului au fost mult mai costisitoare decat doar aplicarea de Radcon.

7:16 Acum sa recapitulam performantele Radcon pentru suprafetele circulabile:

7:19 – Nu mai este necesar nici un alt strat suplimentar de protectie. Se obtin deci mari economii de bani asa cum am explicat din mai multe puncte de vedere.

7:27 – Extrem de rapid de aplicat.

7:30 – Foarte eficient de aplicat in aceste situatii. Bineinteles ca cel mai important pentru suprafetele circulabile: nu se pierde deloc rezistenta la alunecare atat fata de piele cat si fata de cauciuc, in conditii umede sau uscate.

7:42 – Bineinteles, pentru constructorii de sosele, cel mai important, nu se pierde aderenta asfaltului fata de beton.

7:49 – In climatele reci se reuseste micsorarea puternica a deteriorarilor datorate fenomenului de inghet/dezghet, natural pentru betoane in acele zone.

7:56 – Se previne complet posibilitatea ca sarurile de dezghet sa ajunga la ranforsarile de fier

8:01 – si, ca intotdeauna, o durata nelimitata de viata.


Now the relevance of this one actually… this is Pittsburg airport and here we’re doing 86000 sqm in 72 hours of application working under flood lights around the clock to get the runway back open was obviously critical and what we’re really showing here is the use of wide sprayers and watering trucks we can achieve 86.000 sqm in 72 hours and we can multiply that by the number of sprayers so speed of application is very fast and for our viewers interesting job is a problem of freeze/thaw degradation of the runway which was allowing sand to come up into the jet engines and here what we’re doing is a treatment to prevent freeze/thaw damage and to consolidate the concrete.

Again we’re now moving on to the Taipei Freeway area. This was actually a contract segment that represented 64000 sqms. Again the relevance to this is reminding us that Radcon has no deteriorous effect when hard ashville was put over the product and there was no loss of adhesion and there’ll be no loss of performance, obviously very important in the highway segments.

Now cause we do get into remedial repairs what we’re looking here now is a job that was done in 1999 using Radcon #7. We have an overpass here that after about 50 years of use was actually showing rust staining from the underneath and the degree of this stage was that really something had to be done and Radcon was the chosen solution.

We’re actually seeing here that the product has its first application and the applicators have watered the product and they’re brushing the surface to ensure that no surface silicates which could cause slippage remained on the surface. What will happen after they’ve now moved off is that for a second and third day waterings simply the traffic would be running on the highway and the water truck will be just running through the traffic and the time saved in this sort of system is absolutely phenomenal where we’re looking at sort of very high traffic wide areas.

And of course we continue to do work for Hong Kong freeway areas. This just happens to be the segment KL11A that I think was done around in 1997.

Now, there’s relevance in the bridges we show you rather than just showing for each one tell the story. For example we’re doing in Norway pretty much all of the Norway road bridges and we’re not just saving on the waterproofing cost but we’re also saving on the engineering costs and we’re delivering fast track construction. What I mean by that is that the normal system was to replace the membrance, then build the proper reinforced topping slab, then put your balast and you rouse.

Because Radcon is hardening concrete at the equivalent of granite and it can’t be surface damaged the need of the topping slab is totally eliminated. So that’s helping with the actual construction cost, is making the construction timetable much faster and is causing for a larger structure overall to acomodate the actual topping slab.

Of course within trafficable areas we utilized on a lot of wharf decks. Obviously heavy traffic and the ideal situation for us of large expenses of concrete and more often sea water salt environment.

And of course around Australia in particular we have done most of the wharfs and this is an actual wharf deck with a concrete mix design containing slab which can easily work with Radcon #7 technology.

And of course sugar as we often know can be a great attacker of concrete. This is actually Gladstone sugar wharf that reach the point where the Radcon remediation was the chosen specified material.

This is an interesting one here. This is a trafficable area. This is the size of two football fields. We’ve got 50000 sqm of rooftop there Radcon treated and from an engineering perspective we’ve got a single control joint and that’s it.

Now unfortunately I’m showing a car park that culd be never used. That building had such structural integrity problems that all traffic on the roof was now been closed off.

What I’m actually showing here some rather large coins that’re actually into the cracks to show you the sort of cracking that Radcon can accomodate and mantain the seal over a lifetime period.

What we’re actualy doing here it was a certification, a certification of Radcon not as a sealer but actually meets membrane specification. What we’re looking up here is a site that was treated on Sydney’s north shore. It had around about a thusand of cracking of about 1-1.2 mm and here the University came back after eight years of treatment and they a ponding and they are proving two things: that no water is physicaly through secondly and most importantly that Radcon right on the surface to the cracks and there’s no actually water tracking arund the cracks.

Now of course these are some of the inherent problems of membranes on trafficable areas. Hong Kong has a very moist climate and building is on their fast track and we have a situation where a car park be build, trafficable membranes put down, the moisture is entrapped because they haven’t time to dry up properly and of course early failure is the obvious outcome.

This is an actual Radcon job here. This is the Kapala Mall in Jakarta. This was an e-shopping center with 20000 sqm of car park. They utilized a traditional system of a membrane with a trafficable topping slab and here our representatives getting in jack-hammers and digging out 20000 sqm of 75 reinforced topping slab to fail and clean the area to put the Radcon application down. Unfortunately from the outset Radcon alone would have saved in the topping slab would make a a highly cost effective approach. But again unfortunately the job of jack hammering out and removing the failed system prematurely was far costly than the actual Radcon application itself.

7:16 So we’re recapp the trafficable area:

7:19 – No protective screed or topping required. Major cost saving as we’ve explained from several perspectives.

7:27 – Excedingly fast to apply.

7:30 – Highly cost effective in these situations. Of course most important for trafficable areas: no loss of slip resistence to either leather or rubber in wet or dry conditions.

7:42 – Of course, for highway constructors, most important, no bond loss to asphalting toppings

7:49 – In cold climates we’re inhibiting freeze/thaw damage that’s a natural occurance in concrete in those areas.

7:56 – We’re preventing any possibility of deicing salts get into the steel reinforcement

8:01 – and as always, an unlimited life span.


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hidroizolatii balcoane terase trotuare bai bucatariiHIDROIZOLATII DEFINITIVE

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